
Knit Biscotte Cup and Rock around the clock!

More than just a knitted or crochet coffee cozy, this knitting mug is a quick and easy project to knit. The knitting pattern comes in two versions: knitted in the round or knitted back and forth with a seam which make it easier to learn how to knit for beginners. Try it for yourself, the result is perfect with Bis-Sock Self-Striping.♥ Yarn on Google Android 9.0

Check out for this Knit Biscotte Cup Bis-Sock Self-Striping:Patron tasse tricot tasse à tricot-thé biscotte

This pattern is sold in PDF format - a link will be provided at the end of order and sent by email as well.

Yarn on Microsoft Windows 10 October 2018 Update


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